From the playing field, now to the coach’s box, we bring an integrative and comprehensive approach to catching and hitting. It’s from players, for players. The heart and soul of our brand is our athletes, and we teach them to be just that.
The most meaningful accomplishments are never made alone. Whether on the field or off, true greatness manifests when individuals find their place together as one. Our goal is to meet the athlete where he or she is, and then walk with them on their journey, to their mountain top, wherever that may be.
Whether it’s a private or small group lesson, a training program or camp, whether you are a Major Leaguer or just starting out, we work with you to make YOU the best version of YOU. For us, it’s not just about providing the highest level of instruction and developing high-level athletes. Our journey is about every pitch, every swing, and every throw that shapes the lives of our athletes creating even higher-level people.
Playing this game requires much more than the ability to catch, throw, run, and hit. It demands all your mental, emotional, and psychological focus: every pitch, every inning, every game for the entire season.
To meet those in game demands, your training must push your heart, body, and mind: every session, every drill, every rep. That’s where we come in. With our A.B.C.D approach to development, we will unlock your mind and body to become more than you ever thought possible. We don’t just teach you how to “do,” we help you formulate how to think and ultimately how YOU compete.
We believe that success is in one’s understanding of “your why” and “your ability” to execute the details. When you understand your why, the ability to learn, process, and assess information pushes your skillset to new heights. With our approach, then and only then, is your true potential unleashed. Together, we close the gap between your unrealized potential and your current performance.
An investment to bringing people with us
We practice what we preach
Walking alongside, every step of the journey
A continued pursuit of knowledge
To build people up, not tear them down
The game, others, and ourselves